Different technologies in line with your applications and needs
The different liquid hydrocarbon leak detectors :
DOCIL HK detector
DOCIL HK 1H detector : Standard hydrocarbon leak detector
DOCIL HK 2EH detector : Hydrocarbon leak detector with water presence detection
DOCIL HK 2HH detector : Hydrocarbon leak detector using two redundant optical sensors
DOCIL HK 1F detector : Hydrocarbon leak detector when water can reach levels higher than 1 m (storm basin, for example)
DOCIL HK probe
Liquid hydrocarbon leak detectors
The DOCIL HK probe probe operation is based on :
The LARCO optical sensor : DOCIL SENSOR
Detection :
Detects the hydrocarbons whether or not water is present
Testability :
Very simple test. Simply plunge the float into a bucket of water making sure that the optical sensor is immersed.
Simple wiring :
A single one-pair cable is necessary to connect the detector to the processing cabinet.
Adaptability :
LARCO offers various models of liquid hydrocarbon detectors to suit the various installation conditions (settling tank, retention tank, etc.) and requirements of its customers


The DOCIL C HK detector operation is based on the principle of buoyant force
A DOCIL optical sensor is fixed to a float designed to include the following properties :
The float density and shape make it sink far more into the hydrocarbon than into water
This therefore means that no unwanted alarm will be tripped due to the presence of water
In addition, this guarantees that an alarm will be tripped in the presence of hydrocarbon, whether or not water is present
Standard hydrocarbon leak detector :
DOCIL C HK1H detector

Out of hydrocarbon, the plunger is subject to two forces: A single DOCIL sensor is fixed to the float.
Hydrocarbon leak detector when water can reach levels higher than 1 m (storm basin, for example) :
DOCIL C HK 1F detector

A single sensor is fixed to the float.
Hydrocarbon leak detector with water presence detection :
DOCIL C HK2EH detector

Two optical sensors are fixed to the float.
Hydrocarbon leak detector by 2 redundant optical sensors :
Détecteur DOCIL C HK2HH

Two optical sensors are fixed to the float.
DOCIL sensor - LARCO

The DOCIL sensor comprises a glass cone and an electronic circuit with, among other things, an infrared luminous signal transmitter and a receiver.
The DOCIL sensor works on the optical reflection/refraction principle.
DOCIL sensor characteristics
- Accuracy: 0.1 mm
- Response time: 1 ms
- ATEX : II 1 G Ex ia IIC T5 Ga
When the glass cone is not immersed in the liquid, the optical signal is reflected entirely towards the transmitter :

Conversely, when the cone is immersed in a liquid (hydrocarbon), the luminous signal is refracted and the receiver no longer receives the signal, thereby triggering an alarm :
Characteristics of the product to be detected (origin, density, colour)
Location of the desired detection (pump house, bowl…..)
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